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5 June 2014

Image Properties

Page properties are massively important for any media companies and they must meet the tight 
guidelines set for either on screen or for print and they are both widely different within size and pixel dimensions. 

For screen  

The standard settings for screen / mobile or any more portable devises are : 

1064 x 475 Pixels  (these sizes are set by the Internal advertising bureau ) (

 Items for print should always be in Pixels which stands for ( Picture Element) . 

The standard size the screen resolution also set by the IAB  is 72 Pixels this is ever changing as mobile / portable devices are becoming more and more advance but to date this is still the average set resolution  for screen. 

the colour mode used is Vital as on screen not many colours are needed and it also makes are far smaller file format which is ideal for screen promotions or web banners / buttons . The required mode is RGB ( Red Green , Blue ) and this give us the equal colours which give the document the white light we need for screen. 

Items for print 

The items for print are slightly different and somewhat more advance but are simple to create using programmes such as Adobe Photoshop etc.  

using the present settings on Photoshop their is a setting called International Paper , which is the ideal size of A4 ! 

You must also be using 300 Pixels for resolution as this gives the best quality when printing items for promo purposes and also ensuring that you use the guidelines of size of approx 216 x 303 Pixels . 

their is an added 3mm added to each edge of the paper for something called the Bleed which is vital as the image will be printed to edge giving you no White Lines. 

the colour format must be RGB whilst creating the document for print and then changed to CMYK for the ultra glossy look when printing items to give the professional look . 

As for the Bleed you will need to go into the ruler settings and set the bleed up which is 3mm from each edge on the top , bottom , and both edges . and also set a 10mm safety rule to give the image the best look. 

in all the image properties are vastly important in the interactive industry for the best outcome all guidelines must be met.

24 April 2014

Launch of brand new student radio station

new student radio station, W.A.C Radio at Warrington Collegiate went on air at 12noon on Wednesday 23rd April, 2014. Run by students, it features a variety of student-produced programmes covering news, current affairs, music and entertainment. 

After a welcome massage from 21 year old Interactive Media student, Daniel Miller, from Orford, the first record played was #Selfie by The Chainsmokers, a well-known song, popular on itunes in recent weeks.
A truly student-led project, the name of the station and its logo were created by Daniel. The station’s simple but stylish logo was inspired by students and is funky, bold and bright. 
On flipping the switch on his first live broadcast, Daniel says, “As a media student, I’m excited about the launch of the station. I’ve been incredibly busy setting up interviews for this first show.Working on the station is going to be a brilliant experience.”
A short course with the National Student Radio Association  gave Daniel the skills he needed to put together the programme content  including jingles and playlists as well as recording interviews with some up and coming artists, some of whom he hopes to launch on the British music scene.
Daniel explains, “I’m thrilled to have captured the likes of Amelia Scalies, a charting Indie singer songwriter from Pennsylvania, who’s big in internet radio in the states, and UK band, Virgin Soldiers, who were first played in this country on BBC Radio 1. My scoop is American rock band, Dinner and a Suit, popular in the USA, but looking to break into the UK music scene. Remember you heard them first on W.A.C Radio.”
Sharon Lawrence, Lecturer in ICT at Warrington Collegiate, who has been supporting Daniel says, “The radio is an excellent opportunity for our students to develop their broadcasting and technical skills in a professional environment. It will provide that valuable experience in presenting, developing programming, reporting and newsgathering that employers in the media are looking for, and that will benefit them hugely when they progress onto university and the industry.”
The station will broadcast daily with 24/7 live streaming throughout the day and auto-dj out of hours. Listeners can tune in live via
Students can find out more about the extensive range of Vocational Courses and Apprenticeships including Computing and Media at Warrington Collegiate by visiting our Open Evening and Skills Show on Thursday 12th June, 5-8pm.

14 April 2014

New student radio Launches

A Brand new exciting radio station is laurching online the sound of Students .... This is W.A.C Student Radio and the first broadcast will happen on the 23rd April at 12pm Uk time , at this link ( ) you will find a wide variety of shows from the feature show the Present Hits show with myself Daniel which will include Radio First Exclusive interviews to UK Radio by brand new Artists from America to worldwide , their is also a mixture of shows from back in time , mix hits and the Simon Marshall show !! Check out our promo video here >>> <<< 

3 April 2014

Shortend animation opening sequence

Here is my shortend version of the opeing sequence for my production assignment for Paradox 1915 . this was created using 3DS Max 2010 .

Differances of Bitmap images to Vector




Bitmap images is something that is either generated via digital photographs or can be generated using programs like Serif or Photoshop these kinds of images are best for websites to give it realism effect but these kinds of images have to stay the same size it came in or was created in this is down to the fact that the image will be made up of thousands of little dots called Pixels that create the image display , if images are stretched or scaled up or down they become pixelated as the programme is trying to guess the colour of the images used.


Vector images

Vector is something that is digitally created usually hand drawn or created by using a graphic tablet using programs like Photoshop / serif but can be created in software like 3d Max and are best for logo’s and animation due to their boldness of colour and also vectors can be sized up and down without any impact to the image this will not become pixelated like a bitmap



13 February 2014

importance of Motion Graphic's

Photo from ( ) 

Motion Graphic's is an important part within many day to day activities such as TV , On line radio's and also the way they communicate with us like the animated screens at train stations, airports etc . Motion Graphics are in use all around us really.

Motion Graphics's are something that grabs our attention within the opening 10/20 seconds of the opening sequence or game , these are items that make us want to watch or play a new film/trailer/TV programme , within the BBC , C4 , ITV etc , all have their logo on the left or right of the screen when watching it back these are called Bugs and show what demand service you are viewing.

Catch me if you can is a good use of motion graphics's as the way the animation has been placed together 
and also the way the music has been put together to create a good sound clip behind which gives the audience a feel for what the movie is about. 

The (BBC) are one of the companies that always use motion graphics to communicate to their viewers 
so they know what channel they are watching and also shows pride within their logo similarly ITV use these these in the same way but the BBC tend to use them more than say ITV. 

Motion Graphics's Are also seen in the following locations

  • Video Banners 
  • Interactive games 
  • Football stadiums 
  • shops 
  • Doctors surgery's
  • Mobile Phones 


23 January 2014

Making A plane fly using 3D MAX

3D Max Animation 

here is the rendered version of a plane taking off in which I have created within 3D Max Auto desk website.this is useful as this is the type of footage we will be creating again for the paradox sequence at a later date . 

(C) Daniel Miller 2014 (C) 

Above image is showing the screen shot of the four windows in which we create the animation and also the 3D models which will feature in the paradox trailer , at the bottom of the screen shot you can see were you key frame the animation to give it the animation look you would like.