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14 January 2014

Researching steam punk logo's


Today's task was to research different steam punk logo's ready to create our own for our own trailer for our opening sequence.

Examples/visual reference


Comments: typeface style, colours, materials or textures

The colour’s that are included within this logo is quite dark and within the era steam punk came from this is a good example of the styles. As of the materials used it looks as if the text is set on an old number plate , the images used of the face adds mystery to the design as for textures used , you can see a scratched brass effect with added bolts , towards the end you see clog effect which adds the whole steam punk genre.  

The colour’s used within this logo is straightforward as there is not very much included compared to my lost logo but you can see the colour’s used are very limited to brass/copper looking .The materials used are clogs and bolts with added wing effect to add to the steam punk era, the text used is from around the Victorian era from when steam punk came from.  

The Colours used within this design are standard copper with red blood splatter / Rusty Metallic the materials used are a badge in the centre with four curved lines to give the sense of flight badge .The textures are quite dark and give the sense of idea that it was set around the stream punk / Victorian era.    

The colour’s used within this design are light – dark giving the effect of the Victorian era and the modern revaluation the materials used within this design are pipes, clogs , bolts etc. the textures would be brass and a metallic brass piping.    

This Design is written on a banner using the metallic brass colour going into a deep brown on the cogs; the materials are cogs adding the era of steampunk

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